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Table of Contents | , 2012  Vol. 13  No.2 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive

In this issue:

4 심장 이온 통로
Tae-Joon Cha
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):4-7.
8 부정맥 발생의 기전
Hui-Nam Pak
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):8-13.
14 흔히 사용하는 항부정맥제의 특징 및 주의사항
Man Young Lee
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):14-18.
19 동반질환이 있는 경우 항부정맥제의 사용방법
Choong Hwan Kwak
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):19-22.
23 새로 개발된 항부정맥제 제해결
Hyung Wook Park
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):23-27.
28 불현성 심방세동과 뇌경색의 위험도
Hui-Nam Pak
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):28-29.
30 Successful implantation of a left ventricular lead with coronary venoplasty during cardiac resynchronization therapy
Il-Young Oh
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):30-33.
34 Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy induced long QT syndrome with torsade de pointes
Ki-Woon Kang
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):34-38.
39 A case of severe bradycardia secondary to premature atrial beats
Gi-Byoung Nam
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):39-43.
44 Successful extraction of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead in a patient with pocket infection via the femoral approach by using a basket snare
Jin-Bae Kim
Arrhythmia. 2012;13(2):44-48.
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